Hi! I’m Josh.

I’m from the great state of Texas. I’m passionate about making the most of my backyard; grilling, smoking meat, taking care of the lawn, and just lounging around. I’m a firm believer that we can enjoy ourselves more and better if we spend more time outdoors. On a summer day, you’ll often find me with a cold drink in one hand and a pair of tongs in the other.

I remember one summer day when I decided to fire up the grill and smoke some ribs. I spent the morning prepping the coals and seasoning the ribs, and then I set them on the smoker. As the day passed, I worked on the lawn, pushing the mower, trimming the grass, and enjoying the sun. Into the evening, the smell of the ribs wafting in the air was sweet and delicious. I had a cold beer in my hand and I watched as the sun started to set. That was the perfect day of backyard fun.

The aim of this blog is to help motivate people to spend more time in their own backyard. Creating the perfect backyard oasis doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. Start by sprucing up your outdoor space by planting some flowers, landscaping, and adding some outdoor furniture. If you have the space, add a hammock or some comfy chairs so you can relax and enjoy the outdoors. Invest in a good grill and smoker so you can grill and smoke some delicious meals. Don’t forget to add some outdoor lighting, so you can continue to enjoy your backyard oasis after dark. Finally, add some fun outdoor activities such as a pool, a fire pit, a trampoline, or anything else that will make your backyard an enjoyable space for all. With a little bit of planning and imagination, you can create the perfect backyard oasis.